


How to Find a Criminal Defense Attorney in Florida

It is really horrible when you find yourself into a legal trap. Obviously, facing the criminal charges can be a hectic task to get rid of. Without any doubt, you would like to lead a normal life without any legal trouble. Whether you are accused of a misdemeanor or infraction, you always need assistance from a right attorney.

You need to a criminal defense law firm that can help you getting rid of criminal justice trap. Are you getting a bit confused? You need to look for a right professional.

So, let’s check out how you can find a speeding ticket attorney fayetteville nc


Research about Top Law Firms

Whether you are looking for an accident attorney or criminal defense law attorney, you would always like to go with the best out of the best professionals. Thus, you are advised that you should research about top law firms in Florida.

Since you are looking for defense attorney in Florida, you need to know about top law firms working in and around Florida. How can I know about top law firms in Florida? For this, you need to look at nowhere else but internet. By searching online, you can easily create a list of top Florida defense law attorneys.

Are They Experienced Enough?

When you decide to choose a law firm, you shouldn’t forget taking the experience of attorney at the law firm into consideration. Obviously, you will never like to hire a novice when it comes to dealing with criminal justice system in Florida. Instead, you would like to avail legal services of an experienced defense attorney in Florida.

In case of ignoring this point, you will have to repent on your decision. It’s a fact that hiring an experienced attorney can help you getting rid of legal trap. Obviously, being accused of a criminal act, you won’t like to compromise with the services of a law firm. Thus, you would like to choose a law firm in Florida that can help you availing services of experienced defense law attorneys in Florida.

Let’s Discuss Your Criminal Case with Your Defense Attorney

You aren’t supposed to hire an attorney just by reading a few positive reviews about the same online. Instead, you need to check everything yourself. For this, you need to get a face-to-face meeting arranged with your potential attorney. You need to explain about your legal situation to your lawyer or attorney.

When you discuss everything with your defense attorney, you can easily be able to decide whether he can help you in the case or not. It is usually found that many individuals avoid taking this significant point into consideration. Therefore, they have to end up with a wrong service. You will never like to regret on your own decision. Thus, you need to get a free consultation arranged with your attorney.

Can I Afford Hiring a Defense Attorney in Florida?

One thing can never be ignored when it comes to choosing a defense law firm in Florida i.e. fee. Yes, before making a decision, you first need to confirm whether you can afford availing legal services of a defense attorney in Florida or not.


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Why do you need CRM as a Lawyer

Are you a lawyer? In that case, things can turn out to be very hectic for you when it comes to managing your clients and cases. There are so many different aspects which you need to take care of. Even if you have a helping hand, a secretary, and a team to assist you, even then, at times, things seem to be unmanageable. This is where you need to seek technological assistance. These days, managing files, database, and various other resources have become very easy. With the help of CRM software, it has now become a very simple and smoother process to arrange everything efficiently and professionally. With CRM applications, you don’t have to worry about finding a piece of document, or scheduling appointments. These applications are specifically designed in order to make things more easy and smooth for you. When it comes to CRM for lawyers, these days, you can find multiple different types of applications and software available. They not only save a lot of your time but at the same time, make your life easier and hassle-free.

What is CRM software? 

In simple terms, CRM is nothing but a mechanism, which creates a combination of different types of business strategies and processes which help you to create and build a long-lasting relationship with your clients. It stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRM comes with tons of different types of features that include tools, technologies, techniques, and various other kinds of mechanisms that can help you in retaining, developing, and also getting hold of new clients. With the help of a CRM, it becomes possible for you to ensure that every single interaction that you had with your clients, is done in an effective, efficient, and smooth manner. This helps in the process of the overall administration of your work. CRM is designed in such a manner so that it can gather customer data from multiple different channels. A CRM is capable of storing detailed information related to your client history, case details, and various other things which you would like to maintain as a lawyer.

These days, with the help of CRM, it has become very easy for lawyers to create a professional and effective mechanism as far as their work environment is concerned. If you are looking for one, in that case, there are multiple different applications and software that are available in the market.

What makes a CRM so special is the fact that it allows you to easily store all important data and at the same time retrieve them quickly and effectively. With the help of these applications, the life of a lawyer has become very easy. They have also proven to be very useful when it comes to affecting the overall output of your performance as a lawyer.

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Useful Things about Brooklyn Divorce Lawyers

Nowadays, there is legal intervention instructed for multiple cases. And there is also intervention compelled to deal with the family dispute. This can be lead to enormous emotional difficulty for everyone.

This is true when a couple decides to get separated then assistance of Brooklyn divorce attorney is necessary. Divorce includes not only the dissolution of the marriage but also includes

  • The separation of living sections
  • Division of debts, supposal support
  • Children custody agreement
  • The child support obligation.

The results of the divorce proceedings come to have far significance for one’s future. This is very difficult for everyone to consult with an experienced and well-reputed lawyer for protecting the right of the person or advise for the best solution. The Brooklyn divorce lawyers are well reputed and specialize in all areas of family law or always available for helping the person.

These lawyers help the people to solve the problem quickly and effectively due to whichone can attain the closure necessary for the move ahead with lives. Divorce lawyers handle all types of cases of their customers. They also focus on the planning that fits the needs of the person.

In some cases not necessary to be prosecuted in court. A spouse can have the option of utilizing the dispute resolution process like

  • Meditation
  • Attribution
  • Compensations
  • Collaborative divorce helpssomeone to reach martial settlements.

This process is not adversely or aims to foster and promote the negotiations. The lawyers can assist the person to determine one or more variety of methods that are always beneficial for the case.

Let’s discuss the contested and uncontested divorce: In such casesthe, partner agrees about the term that applies to end the marriage. A person does not need a judge to formulate a conclusion and an outcome. In simple, the couple does not need to fight the case in courts. On another side, in a contested divorce just opposite to this, asa couple is unable to come to a term on their condition then they have no choice or present the case at trial.

In some cases of a divorce, the couple knows about the situation andthey can decide to get custody of the children. As a result, one selects the file custody before applying for the divorce. However, this is not common in all cases because it depends from case tocase. Moreover, before taking sucha step it is essential to consult with an experienced lawyer who knows every aspect. Brooklyn divorce attorneys guarantee that they will give the best result ina short period. If someone is deemed filling for custody before filing for divorce then various steps should be taken into consideration. Take a look at the same-

  • Filling temporary custody order,
  • The interest of the children,
  • Giving up the rights
  • Keeping the child away from the case,
  • Consult person attorney.

So, if there are any legal issues and people need the expert’s assistance then this article is best for them. Here, they can get information about Brooklyn divorce attorneys.

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Why Visit A Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer?

There are various reasons why one should be visiting a Hospital Neglect Lawyers knoxville tn in the time of any kind of accident. a personal injury lawyer can be called when there is a motorcycle accident, car accident, or any kind of accident. If the accident is really bad it is important for the person to visit the hospital and then only call up the lawyer. They are required to see for immediate medical attention rather than immediate legal action. It is in this situation that a phoenix personal injury lawyer should be called.

Better negotiation

In case of a personal injury, it is important for the insured person to visit phoenix personal injury lawyer as soon as big get medical attention. The lawyers have better communication skills than a common man. The experience had made them quite good at negotiating with the insurance companies so that the insured person is able to get the correct amount. It is important for the insured person to be able to get the correct amount that he deserves so that he is able to have a good life after the accident. money is essential which is why it is important for lawyers to negotiate with the insurance company in the best way possible.

Collection of evidence

It is to be remembered that when the lawyer or the individual is negotiating with the insurance company regarding the compensation amount the insurance company might call for evidence. Pieces of evidence are important so that proper steps can be taken and the insurance company can provide the required compensation to the injured without having a second thought or of being afraid of any kind of fraudulent activities. Therefore it is important for the insured person to have a talk with a lawyer who is capable and efficient enough to fight and win the case.

Evidence of damage

It is important for an individual to collect the evidences of damage as well. A lawyer might help in collecting all the necessary evidences in order to ensure that the insured person has all the required evidences to prove the accident. This will help them in ensuring that they get the deserving money or compensation. Alloy is required to be called because in case of a bad injury the injured person will not be in a state to collect evidences of damage. This work needs to be done by the lawyer or a system so that they do not leave out on any evidences.


It is important for the person who has been injured in the accident to get the deserving justice. If they do not get their deserving justice it will not only II break them down emotionally but also financially? This has made it important for the people to go to the lawyer as soon as they can. It is always advised that it is possible for the person to call the lawyer as soon as the accident takes place, nothing can be better than it. This is because the person who is the reason behind the accident will not be able to cover up any kind of evidences.

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Should I Hire A Process Server For My Texas Business?

Considering the legal attributes in business is the newest trend, especially in the global business expansion. A Process server is a person who looks after the legal side of your business. He has also a crucial role in suggesting legal advices according to the new business strategies. By having a Process Server it is possible to gain more profit margins while abiding by the rules and regulation of a specific area. 

Unburdening business strategies

Process server is there to carry out all the problems which you will face regarding the business expansion. He will also help you to get reach of legal documents which is important for your personal and organisational life. So you should search for the right process server houston texas has as it will certainly help you save your precious time. 

Courts and other legal authorities also take advantage of hiring a private process server in order to augment the legal procedures in a more integrated manner. Investigation firms and renowned lawyers are also too much fond of hiring a process server who can be the best helping hand for them. 

Understanding law requirements for different provinces

A Process Server is a well known person with the regional and state laws. He will certainly help you in getting a better view on how to advance in global business with different provincial rules and regulation. A process server will also help you skilfully in maintaining the integrity both in real and professional life. 

Most of all, the main benefit of hiring a process server is to get legal advice in every step. Business developers around the world has recommended hiring a Process Server highly as it would certainly help you to align the business with the governments patronisation. Safety and security in the workplace are the new attributes and by hiring a process server it is also possible to apply better safety norms in your business organisation.

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Reasons to Get Turkish Citizenship


The Eurasian country Turkey gets millions of visitors every year. This country is wealthy with its geographical advantage, historical structures, cultural values, and natural beauty. It also enjoys a strategic geographical and cultural importance. It has been playing the role of a bridge between European and Asian cultures and civilizations for centuries. Its strategic geographical position has made it an important trade route between the East and West. 

Turkish citizens can enjoy a high quality life with growth in superstructure and infrastructure projects. Turkey has opened its gates to a beautiful life to the foreigners as well. People belonging to other countries can get Turkish citizenship along with Turkish passport through investment or purchasing residential property with professionals like Elmaslar Real Estate. There are quite a few good reasons to contribute towards Turkish economy.

The Passport

 In the year 2018 Turkish passport got 114 points and occupied 39th place. Turkish citizen with the passport can enter seven countries with online visa while getting visa free access to 42 countries. The citizen can get the visa at the border of these 42 countries. The passport is capable of granting visa free access to 77 countries like Brazil, Serbia, Chile, Qatar, Thailand and more. Turkish passport holders also get visas from many countries under easy conditions. 

High-quality Life

Turkish life is considered to be high quality one with the access to free and advanced educational opportunities. This country provides a safe environment along with excellent health facilities. Exemption from military service can be granted if one applies for TCBI. This country offers one of the world’s most unique cuisines, the Turkish cuisine. The Mediterranean climate with scenic beauty has rendered Turkey its most beautiful and cherished treasure which helps it to grow its economy through tourism. The laws for getting Turkish citizenship through investing in real estate have made this life accessible to citizens of other countries.

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What Is the AIBE XVI Syllabus?

AIBE is administered by the Indian Bar Council (BCI). After passing the AIBE (16) test, BCI issues a “Certificate of Practice” to qualified applicants. The test is open to applicants who have earned a law degree and want to practice law. The written examination will be administered in 11 separate languages in 40 cities throughout the world. Thorough knowledge of the AIBE XVI (16) 2021 exam pattern assists law graduates in tailoring their training to the test’s specifications. The AIBE examination pattern provides an overview of the AIBE’s fundamental structure by outlining the test mode, exam length, marking scheme, and other critical aspects of the exam. Candidates should be aware that the AIBE XVI 2021 test would not be an open-book test.

Syllabus AIBE 16 2021 

Questions would be drawn from 19 different topics. The topics are classified as Category I and Category II. 

Category I will consist of seven questions, and Category II will consist of twenty-three. Additionally, candidates must go through past years question papers and ensure that they have covered the syllabus. The AIBE syllabus is heavily influenced by the subjects and topics learned during graduation.

The syllabus of AIBE XVI with the respective number of questions is as follows:

S.No Topic Number of Questions
1 Constitutional Law 10
2 Criminal Procedure Code 10
3 Code of Civil Procedure 10
4 Indian Penal Code 8
5 Family Law 8
6 Evidence Act  8
7 Law of Contract, Specific Relief, Property Laws, Negotiable Instrument Act 8
8 Law of Tort, including Motor Vehicle Act and

Consumer Protection Law

9 Labour & Industrial Laws 4
10 Law related to Taxation 4
11 Alternative Dispute Redressal including Arbitration Act 4
12 Public Interest Litigation  4
13 Professional Ethics & Cases of Professional Misconduct under BCI rules 4
14 Administrative Law 3
15 Environmental Law 2
16 Company Law 2
17 Cyber Law 2
18 Intellectual Property Laws 2
19 Land Acquisition Act  2

AIBE XVI Eligibility Criteria 

Candidates for AIBE XVI 2021 must meet the eligibility requirements defined by the Bar Council of India. The eligibility requirements for AIBE XVI 2021 are as below:

  • Candidates must have a three-year or five-year law degree from an institute recognized by the Bar Council of India. 
  • Candidates must be licensed with their respective state bar associations. 
  • AIBE XVI 2021 qualifying requirements lists no upper age limit for taking the test.

Exam Pattern for AIBE (XVI)

The AIBE 16 exam pattern will be as follows: 

  • The AIBE 16 entry examination will be administered in a paper-and-pen format (OMR). The exam would last approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. 
  • Candidates with impairment of at least 80% would be given an additional 30 minutes to complete the test. 
  • The test will consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). The whole examination would be worth 100 marks. Each right response would be worth one mark. The test would not include any negative marking.
  • Candidates will be provided with OMR Answer sheets on which to record their responses. Aspirants are required to use only ballpoint pens for all entries in the OMR Answer sheets, even while filling in bubbles. If more than one response is bubbled against a query, it shall be deemed wrong.

AIBE 16 Important Dates 

The Legal Education Committee and representatives of the Bar Council of India passed the notice putting the All India Bar Examination into effect.

Commencement of Online Registration  26th December
Deadline of Online Registration 30th April
Release of Admit Card  Announcement yet to come
Examination Date 30th May
Result Declaration Announcement yet to come

Check all details of AIBE 2021 exam like dates, application form, eligibility, and syllabus, admit card, results, pattern, preparation tips, question papers, and more at 

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Construction Accident Claims: How to Hire a Lawyer

Construction accidents can happen for many reasons. Construction workers may be injured due to issues with building materials, equipment, or tools. Some injuries are minor and some are life-changing; it all depends on the severity of the injury itself and how it may affect your quality of life. If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you may have compensation available to cover medical expenses and pay for lost wages. And when you need a lawyer to help with your claim- we’re here for you!

We will discuss why it is important to hire a construction lawyer st paul mn after being injured in a construction accident. We will also go over what types of injuries can happen during a construction accident and the severity of those injuries. For example, some may be minor and others are life-changing. And of course we’ll be going over the compensation one could get from an injury claim in the event they are injured in a construction accident.

What Do I Do If I’ve Been Injured on the Job?

We will first go over what to do if you have been injured on the job site or around your office during work hours or after hours. This includes what type of documents you will need to give out and what is important when submitting a claim.

It is important to note that all work-related injuries require a report from your employer. Whether this was an injury during a construction accident or it was just an injury that happened during your days off, you will still need to have the report sent in. If you were injured at work, it’s best to document the incident as soon as it happens and keep copies of everything- we’ll discuss how you do this later on.

What Do I Need to Prove My Case?

Next, we’ll go over what you will need to prove your case. Depending on the severity of your construction accident injury, you may have a lot of documentation to show that you are injured and need compensation. We’ll go through the various pieces of documentation you may need to provide. This will include things like pictures of the site where your accident happened, employee/employer records, medical bills, etc. These are just pieces of evidence, but they could make or break your claim.

Why Is It Important to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

There are also other reasons why it is important for individuals who have been injured on the job to hire a personal injury lawyer. We will discuss those reasons and the importance of hiring a lawyer that can help you with your claim.

In order to protect your legal rights, you should hire a lawyer that has the knowledge and experience to handle your case. Often times it is not necessary to have a law degree—a lawyer with experience can help you get compensation for your injuries, help keep your case straight, and fight for the best possible outcome. It’s important to remember that there are many issues that could come up during a construction accident claim. We will discuss what those issues are and how they could affect your case at hand.

Construction accidents can happen for many reasons. Construction workers may be injured due to issues with building materials, equipment, or tools. Some injuries are minor and some are life-changing; it all depends on the severity of the injury itself and how it may affect your quality of life. If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you may have compensation available to cover medical expenses and pay for lost wages. And when you need a lawyer to help with your claim- we’re here for you!

Have you been involved in an accident and need help? Check out now.

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Predatory Lending That Can Destroy Hotel Business

The entire world is grappling with the on-going pandemic COVID-19 as it jeopardized the economy of each business over the world. Significantly, the hospitality business has been influenced as the spread pandemic hindered the working of inns by the strict health measures. Yet, who is really battling, proprietors of hotels or the creditors? Clearly, the proprietors have been really enduring because of the lower revenue in this difficult stretch which makes them incapable to reimburse the lenders. Along these lines, the real moneylenders, who have given advances to the hotel proprietors, must approach to help battling organizations by giving them adequate chance to reimburse their credits with the goal that such proprietors are in any event ready to endure and handle this grave emergency. 

On the other side, there are vicious moneylenders held with covetousness and egotism. One focal point of predatory loan is commercial mortgage back securities loan is ordinarily alluded to as CMBS advances, including banks that are constantly pushing the inn proprietors to the financial edge by gathering extreme charges which are not forced for encouraging genuine administrations but instead make unfair picks up along these lines making improper misfortunes on such hotel proprietors. 

Such moneylenders are much of the time reluctant to work with hotel proprietors in the midst of budgetary trouble, forcing significant expenses for activities that are not financial defaults by the borrower, for example, when the inn’s monetary record or income drops yet the debt service payments are not missed. That might be considered as an unscrupulous act of savage loaning with respect to such banks. 

Today, we have discovered one more case of such corrupt practices adopted by the predatory lender Trez Foreman Capital Funding (hereinafter referred to as ‘Trez’), a partnership situated in Florida whose Chief Executive Officer is Mr.Morley Greene. At the point when the COVID-19 pandemic hit hotel bussiness hard, Trez  entered into an called ‘Restraint Agreement’ with one of its borrowers – HIE Developers – requiring the inn to pay all of its accessible net income to Trez on an exceptionally fast premise. It is to be noticed that HIE is at risk to pay $1,050,000 to another leaser MB Atlantic because of a legally binding agreement between MB Atlantic and HIE Developers, as delineated in a claim recorded by MB Atlantic that spreads out how Trez took cash that in any case would have paid MB Atlantic. Along these lines, Trez is harming hotel business as well as different creditor through its abusive CMBS practices. Trez claims through its site that “Our team prides itself on deep real estate industry expertise and on-the-ground perspective “. In the event that it genuinely had “on the ground point of view” it would not hurt those whose investments facilitate the hotel development. 

There are endless questions that emerge as to why is Trez pursuing such predatory lending? Is it insatiability or presumption? What will they get by annihilating resources and occupations? The claim documented by MB Atlantic is a reminder to all proprietors of the hospitality business to get the news out about the dishonest lending of Trez. On the off chance that you share our interests, at that point alert your neighbourhood business journalists, chosen authorities, and whenever required at that point gripe straightforwardly to Trez by E-mail at It is high time for the hospitality industry to come together and Congress to pass legislation that protects vulnerable hospitality industry veterans and honest hotel owners.


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Alex OjjehWas Not “Dirtied Up” He Was Just Dirty

In 2013 Romano started a hedge fund firm, Mr. Romano from the hedge fund world partnered with Mr. Ojjeh, former chief of technology officer of American Orient Capital. Ojjeh invested $700,000 into the firm and the firm ran $1 billion in assets at its peak. As the company grew in size, Ojjeh embraced risker investment strategies. Mr. Ojjeh continued under his office naming it AOC Partners.

The hedge fund trimmed losses suffered in 2020 after Mr. Ojjeh was under investigation for bribery deals their first slice of client withdrawals began with accusations the hedge fund was likely where dirty money went.

During a trial Mr. Ojjeh was proven to make money from his hedge fund investments in Hungary, Russia, UAE, Libya and Saudi Arabia. And what is wrong with that? It is hardly illegal to make money, it’s just suspicious since all of his bank accounts offshore and foreign investments tell us something about Ojjeh, he has friends in high places.

Mr. Ojjeh’s defense is “I do not run this company” then he goes to say “we” to everything about the company. Ojjeh’s responsibility in the company is just to invest so the company can succeed. He understands business, markets and investment. He successfully runs logistics companies and businesses.

However, Mr. Ojjeh and his firm is under no legal requirement to invest the way he suggests. He has no obligation to be involved in all sorts of slimy deals. The bottom line of all those companies under Alex Ojjeh LLC’s were healthy ones, The same companies he vilified made him rich. Just know that the investor deals with Russia and other points East (Like… Syria…and a bunch of money is made there as a result. The trial showed that Ojjeh used the firm to enrich others, but there is no evidence of collusion or any actual hard crime. Ojjeh just admitted he knew them, no problem.  Ojjeh had very professional dealings with UAE, Libya, Hungary, Russia and more.

But same with Romano and his connection, most admit that Romano and Ojjeh were both “gangsters” Ojjeh was just cleverer compared to Romano. Ojjeh has ties to foreign government officials and influencers, he has direct ties to Hungary money and 40 illegal businesses or as the lawyer calls them, small businesses, he has tax statements that were proven 90% percent accurate. Ojjeh had influence in the Middle East, Dubai and Turkey. Time to bring up how Ojjeh’s friend and government official Al Assad gave him passports that allowed him to enter wherever he wanted.

Then there is all the other stuff, like the closing of the bank accounts, very telling that Milner loved him some Ojjeh. Milner says Ojjeh’s bank accounts shouldn’t be taken down if he hasn’t been indicted on bribery or any other charges. Alex Ojjeh’s 2020 investigation showedhe is really considered aflight risk. Out of desperation imagine Romano actually going to court to defend Alex Ojjeh.

Most of the US shareholders, especially clueless companies, had forgotten about him or never cared who Ojjeh was because they were only dealing with Romano. Why would Romano gotocourt and defend Ojjeh? He wouldn’t. Not sure how long Mr. Romano’s honeymoon will last, if it ever starts. It’s actually more of a “at least he’s not Ojjeh” relief, as there has not been much foreign dealings, when it comes to Romano.

Many are shocked Ojjeh appeared in Istanbul court on Tuesdaybecause he’s a flight risk due to bribery conspiracy charges. Ojjeh was confined with an ankle bracelet for two weeks. Then placed on probation where he had to work within certain perimeters. Ojjeh’s lawyers argued that he should be able to travel outside of U.S, without police permission and that he was no longer a flight risk in April 2021. In which his non-government criminal “lawyer” denies Ojjeh engaged in foreign policy, you have Ojjeh meeting with foreign government, you have multiple people lying about their ties with him, you have Ojjeh lying about where he was.

Ojjeh’s lawyers argued that he should travel to Turkey to pay fines saying he’s too restricted by the U.S and has a number of warrants for unpaid fines, unpaid restitutions, unpaid court appointed consul feels, failure to appear for unpaid fine hearing and any other failure to appear and pay other fees due to the conditions of his bank accounts.

Ojjeh has four active warrants for his arrest in Turkey and faced charges of failure to appear in court.  Ojjeh not only had concealed reporting in Turkey/Kurds, but he had a stable relationship with dictators. If you ask me, it looks like Ojjeh is just in Turkey to pay hush money, so the real issues won’t come out.

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